Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Dating Project - Day Two

My son was so stoked today that he started asking me at 5:30 if it was time for our 'date' yet, lol We went at about 6:30. He rode his skateboard today, but I think he decided that from now on the bike is a better choice. Just 15 minutes, but it's worth so much to him and to me.

I called today and made an appointment to see the Dr. which I haven't done in over a year.
Not so great for someone who has Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. I have to see a different doctor since mine left.. I didn't even know until I called.

I just recently started treatment after a serious bout with anxiety attacks that almost landed me in the nut house..literally. Apparently, I am Bi-Polar. Not sure how I feel about this since I really have no idea what on earth it really is. In my head, it's Abby's mom in E.R. ,totally off her rocker if she isn't on her meds. I don't think I'm crazy.. just stressed out, depressed, overwhelmed. I'm trying to withhold judgement (stupid shrink) until I learn more about it.

Thanks for reading

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