Monday, August 27, 2007

Well, wasn't that cute...

So, I had a cute first post, and, zilch, nada. Boy am I ever a letdown to the blogging community. :| Honestly, I haven't decided what on earth to blog about. I tend to think I'm more clever than I actually am, which can be dangerous when writing in a public forum.

I recently stumbled upon (or fatefully discovered, or was led by God, depending on your life philosophy) a popular weight loss blog called Half of Me. This spiraled into me devouring months and months of archives to catch up, and a new addiction to blog reading thanks to all the links to the blogs that she herself reads.

Reading about these weight loss journeys has given me a different outlook on my own battle with my weight. I now have hope. It's easy to find someone who has lost 10, 20 or even 50lbs, and that's awesome for them, but quite daunting to a girl who, at 27 years old, and 5'8", weighs in at somewhere over 350lbs. I'd love to give you an actual weight, but scales that go that high are hard to find, expensive, and I'm poor.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm going to blog about loosing weight. I don't even have a plan of action yet. But, it's in the works as we speak. I'm one of those people who has to plan and research and figure out a strategy. My best friend would call me out right now and say that I'm stalling. One of the reasons I love her so much....sometimes. :) Anyway, I suppose we shall see what happens!


MB said...

Pasta Queen is my hero. I started reading her blog when she had more weight to lose than I did. I was confident that I would lose weight along with her. She has practically reached her goal and I've barely gotten started. I hope she is able to inspire you with her amazing accomplishment. Good luck!

Bean said...
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Chubby Chick said...

Hi, Bean!

I'm glad you dropped by my post and left a comment. Now I can visit you! :)

Sounds like we're very close in weight. I've always felt like there's nobody else out there that has as much weight to lose as I do, and that thought has always been kind of overwhelming and discouraging. But I've found some other gals who are trying to lose as much weight as me, and it has been so encouraging! You are not alone! I am not alone! We're all in this together. Our journey might take a little while longer, but we're all headed towards the same destination. And we'll make it together!

Blogging about my weight loss has helped me more than I can even express. And the support of blog buddies has been priceless! I hope you continue blogging, and I hope I can be an encouragement to you. :)