Thursday, September 20, 2007

Whoops! and The Dress

Whoops! I just noticed that I didn't post yesterday, so here goes.

Wednesday - Food was good and I got 20 mins in. I took Boo to go see my dad like I promised. It went well, although it was a bit awkward since they barely know one another. Dad was sober, and dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, so, no questions to answer. He and I agreed that it was best until he either decides to actually go through with the change, or Boo is old enough to understand. I can't tell you how much that eased my mind. I remember how hard it was for me to understand at twelve years old when he told me, I couldn't even imagine telling a seven year old. It was a little odd, but I'm really glad I did it. I plan to go and see him in a few weeks again. I've dodged it for way to long.

Thursday - Another good food day, and I've been shopping all day, so I'll get maybe 15 mins after I post this. Boo was running a slight fever this morning, but not enough to stay home. I gave him some Motrin and sent him to school. He stayed the whole day, but now his throat is scratchy. If he wakes up tomorrow with it again, then we'll hit the doctors office. It's odd since he just had his check up Monday.

The Dress
O.K. The BFF and I found my dress today. I actually don't hate it. Here is a pic, although there is a skinny bitch modeling it, lol. I'm wearing it with straps (I don't trust my boobs, or lack thereof, to hold it up), and I'm going to try to find a short sleeved bolero jacket in chocolate to go with it. That should take care of my arm issues. We thought about just a wrap, but then I'd be fighting with it all night at the reception, so I think a jacket would work better. Let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading


MB said...

Love the dress!

Chubby Chick said...

The dress is lovely! I'm sure you'll look beautiful in it. Be sure to post pics! :)

Lori G. said...

The dress is beautiful. I don't know why so many formal dresses for, ahem, plus sized women are sleeveless. It's not like there's a lot of plus-sized women saying, "Oh, good. An opportunity to show off my buff arms!" I like the bolero jacket idea -- there might be a good place to find it on the web.

You did great with the food and exercise. I like that your dad wore jeans and a t-shirt for your son's visit. It was a good way for him to honor his own needs while respecting you. I know that had to be hard for you but it sounds like everyone did better than okay.

PS I'm glad you were okay with me using the Waffle House incident.

Diana Swallow said...

If Boo had his check up on Monday and now has a scratchy throat, he probably picked it up at the doctors office. I hope Boo is feeling better!

The dress is gorgeous and you are going to look way hotter than that skinny bitch!!

I think the bolero is the way to go, the wrap will drive you insane trying to always make sure your arms are covered for unsuspecting photography opportunities!!