Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why am I so tired?

I am always exhausted. I get up at 6:30 am to put Boo on the bus. Since I've been trying to do better things for me, I've been staying up instead of going back to bed. I constantly feel like I need a nap, but then I feel lazy for taking one. I managed not to fall asleep today, but my food intake was more than it was yesterday. About 400 calories more. I also only managed 10 mins on the bike. Maybe I should just resign myself to being a napper. Anyway, sorry for the short post, but, like I said, I am wiped. I think I may go ahead and go to bed.

Thanks for reading


Twix said...

I take a short nap in the afternoon and mine stay home all day. At certain times of the year I can't seem to do anything but sleep. I know how that makes you feel. If I'm home I've chosen to let myself have that small nap, guilt free. You're not lazy! And try not to obsess over calories, that in itself can be draining and defeating. (((hugs)))

Chubby Chick said...

I'm all for naps! If you get up that early... do not feel guilty if you need to take a nap. It's better to take a nap and wake up refreshed than to stay awake all day and feel like a slug. hehe

Lori G. said...

Really, if I didn't have the issue of being at work, I'd totally take a nap.

For me, though, if I take a nap during the day, I can be sure I'll be up until the wee hours. I've been having issues with caffeine, weird sleep patterns, etc. so naps aren't working for me at the moment. But on weekends, yes, naps RULE!

(You may find a nap might make you more energized for doing more than 10 minutes. And 400 calories is not that bad. Think about how it used to be before you started. I would have gone way, way over 400 calories.)

Diana Swallow said...

I found that I get more tired if I eat a lot of processed foods. If I keep my diet to fresher foods, I'm not as tired. I often wonder if I have a sensitivity to a preservative or something? But with that being said, I do like a nap from time to time.